The Foundation to Inspire Excellence in Nyack Schools, Inc.

Helping to maintain educational excellence
in the Nyack Public Schools


Pi Day 2023

by | Mar 17, 2023 | Feature Story, News | 0 comments

The results of Pi Day are in and we had another VERY successful event! We had approximately 160 participants this year, and gave out all of the t-shirts and pizza!!! Our winner of Pi Memorization was able to recite 101 digits, we had a 2-team tie with the number of digits found in the long division event, we had several groups successfully complete the scavenger hunt–best time was in 18 mins, and our trivia team winners got 11 out of 12 questions correct! Students enthusiastically participated and were very motivated to earn their t-shirt and pizza. The winners of the events weren’t even aware of the bonus price (gift cards) and were delighted to find out about their winnings today. Many thanks to you, Inspire Nyack, for helping to make this event a success.

Have a great day!

Meagan Nestler
Teacher, Nyack High School