The Foundation to Inspire Excellence in Nyack Schools, Inc.

Helping to maintain educational excellence
in the Nyack Public Schools


Casino Night 2018 – Another Outstanding Event for Inspire Nyack

by | May 7, 2018 | Feature Story, Press Release | 0 comments

Inspire Nyack’s 11th annual Casino Night on March 24, 2018 was a huge hit with many new attendees and unbelievable auction items.  Held at the Nyack Seaport in Nyack, NY, the event raised over $20,000 and funds from this exciting fundraiser will go towards the development of a Mobile Maker Space program the District has proposed for all three Elementary schools and then potentially expanding to our Middle school and High school. Inspire Nyack continues to contribute to all Nyack schools’ STEAM related activities and curriculum on an on-going basis including Robotics, Science assemblies, Pi Day at the High School, Science Fairs, teacher grants and more.