Nyack Schools received a $35K donation from The Inspire Nyack Foundation (www.inspirenyack.org) to support STEM (science, technology, engineering & math) programs across all grade levels throughout the district.
The Inspire Nyack Foundation is a community-based, non-profit organization whose goal is to help develop, implement and maintain excellence in the Nyack Public School system.
The $35K check was presented to Nyack’s Superintendent of Schools, Dr. James Montesano, at a recent (Feb 3) school board meeting.
“We are so very thankful and most fortunate to have the Inspire Nyack Foundation supporting the educational needs of our students. Their dedication and tireless efforts have provided a critical stream of funding allowing our district to develop programs in STEM education. Through their hard work we now have a comprehensive robotics program that begins in kindergarten and extends through middle school. Inspire’s next goal will be to assist our board of education in the development of a high school computer lab dedicated to the areas of graphic art and music composition. Every child’s educational experience is enriched by the work of this group of community-minded volunteers.” – James J. Montesano, Ed.D., Superintendent of Schools, Nyack Public Schools
Since 2007, the Foundation has raised nearly $330,000 dollars to support its goals. The cornerstone of its contributions to date has been the funding of science and math programs, such as Robotics and the Computer Lab Classroom. During the month of February, Inspire Nyack sponsored several science assemblies in the elementary schools. These programs included The Franklin Institute Traveling Science Show, Liberty Science Center, and Academic Entertainment on Robotics. More activities are scheduled for the Middle and High Schools in the weeks ahead.
“As both an Inspire Nyack Board member and parent of four children in the Nyack Schools, I am excited about the work this organization does to support our public education system, especially in this critical area of STEM education.” – Giuseppe Pagano
“Inspire Nyack has my sincerest gratitude and heartfelt thanks for helping bring my classroom into the 21st century. The laptops you donated have been used in class daily as a tool to enhance instruction and integrate technology into my lessons.” – Ben Turner, science educator at Nyack Middle School
Inspire Nyack is able to make such significant donations because of the success of its annual fundraising event, Casino Night, which attracts hundreds of people. The 2015 Casino Night is slated for Saturday, February 28 from 7:30-11:30pm at the Nyack Seaport.
“In the past year, Inspire Nyack has worked diligently to expand our impact. STEM/ technology initiatives and computer labs now reach over 1000 students across grades K-8. Our current goal is to raise an additional $50,000 for the funding of a MAC computer lab at Nyack High School. This initiative will have a profound effect by providing technology across all curriculum areas including music and art.” – Gordon Weiss, Inspire Nyack Board President